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Swisstek Facial Recognition Device in KSA, Qatar and Oman

Expedite IT > Swisstek Facial Recognition Device in KSA, Qatar and Oman
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Expedite IT

Swisstek Facial Recognition

SwissTek is the latest addition to the TEK family.
Using powerful algorithms for facial recognition, it o ers
walk-through identi cation including anti-spoo ng check.

  • PIN Code Support
  • QR Code Reading
  • 3D Touchless Technology
  •  Identification Speed (< 1 Second)

The demand for secure, hygienic, and efficient biometric authentication methods has never been higher. Traditional facial recognition systems, though effective, often require proximity that can compromise both hygiene and user convenience. Expedite IT’s advancements in 3D touchless facial recognition technology represent a significant leap forward in biometric authentication. By combining hygiene, security, and user convenience, this technology addresses the current and future needs of multiple industries. The ongoing innovation in this field promises even greater accuracy and broader applications, making touchless facial recognition a cornerstone of modern security solutions.As technology continues to evolve, 3D touchless facial recognition is expected to become more prevalent across various sectors. Future developments may include integration with other biometric systems, further enhancing security and convenience.

The STF-1240 boasts a myriad of features designed to revolutionize the way we approach security. With high-definition cameras, advanced algorithms, and real-time processing capabilities, this system offers unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in facial recognition..

  • Facial recognition distance configurable
  • Superior identification speed (< 1 second)
  • Built-in Anti-spoo ng protection
  • PIN code support, QR code reading
  • RFID technologies:
    HF: MIFARE Classic/DESFire (UID/CSN only)
    LF: available, format support on request
  • Hygienic for sensitive applications in Access Control
    or Workforce Management
  • Customizable touchscreen
  • Includes Power supply 15 VDC & wall mount bracket
  • Optional fingerprint sensor add-on
Expedite IT

Benefits of 3D Touchless Facial Recognition

Highlighting its benefits, technological innovations, and potential applications across various industries.

Touchless systems enhance security by reducing the risk of spoofing attacks. The 3D facial recognition technology captures more detailed biometric data, making it harder for impostors to deceive the system.

3D imaging technology captures the depth and contours of the face, providing a more accurate and detailed biometric profile. Unlike 2D systems, 3D facial recognition is less susceptible to changes in lighting and angles, ensuring higher accuracy.

Infrared sensors play a crucial role in touchless facial recognition. They can function in various lighting conditions, including complete darkness, ensuring reliable performance regardless of the environment.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms enhance the system's ability to recognize faces with high precision. These technologies continuously learn and adapt, improving accuracy and reducing false positives over time.

The combination of 3D imaging and AI leads to superior accuracy. The technology can distinguish between identical twins and recognize individuals with varying facial hair, makeup, or accessories.

The touchless nature of the system offers unparalleled user convenience. Users do not need to remove masks, hats, or glasses, making the authentication process quicker and more user-friendly.

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